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[Translate to English:] Besuch der Stadt Puchheim zum Firmenjubiläum von Mooser Schwingungstechnik

As a native of Munich, Walter Mooser has always loved going to the Deutsches Museum. As a child, he was particularly taken with the shot-put pendulum,…

We celebrate 50 years of Mooser Schwingungstechnik

The history of Mooser Schwingungstechnik began in Munich in 1973 with the idea of developing a powerful, lightweight and robust external vibrator for…

[Translate to English:] Mooser Schwingungstechnik gratuliert zum Dr. h.c.

A fortnight ago, our internal sales manager Raffaele Orgiana was awarded an honorary doctorate! He can now call himself Doctor of Jurisprudence…
