E-Mail: info(at)mooser.net

Tel.: +49 (0)89 | 804348

We congratulate our Head of Internal Sales Raffaele Orgiana on his Dr. h.c.!

Our Head of Internal Services, Mr. Raffaele Origiana has been a volunteer for many years. Two weeks ago he was awarded an honorary doctorate for his services in this connection. From now on he may call himself Doctor of Jurisprudence honoris causa (The Constantinian University). We are proud to have Mr. Orgiana in our ranks and congratulate him on the newly acquired title.


Mooser | Bavarian Vibrations

Finally the time has come - on the weekend our Mooser Helles | Bavarian Vibrations was bottled!

Our thank you to our partners and customers and a pleasure after work done


Important Information

Like everywhere else in the world, we are trying to meet the challenges of the current situation as best we can.

Everything is geared towards protecting the health of all employees, customers and suppliers, safeguarding current business activities and ensuring that they continue in the coming weeks. We currently have no restrictions in terms of delivery capability and availability.

We are attempting to process all deliveries in the usual manner, however, there are
however, there are some delays with the forwarding agencies, which we cannot influence.

We are constantly monitoring the situation and will continue to inform you in case of changes.
All employees are pulling together and will continue to be there for you through the usual channels!

If you have any questions, we are available by phone at +49 (0)89-804348 or +49 (0)170-7849847 and by e-mail at info(at)mooser.net !